So, today was awe-inspiring in many ways. In short, we visited our first Hindu temple, did a couple team building, low-ropes course type games, took a bus around Bangalore, had brunch in the park, ran through the markets bartering for a number of items in our Amazing Race relay, and topped it all off with beer and a buffet for lunch. That all said, I'm totally exhausted. I still can't manage to sleep past 4am. Which means right about now, 7pm, I really just want to pass out. I can't though. I'll never get fully adjusted if I keep giving in. My camera died, of course, about three minutes after we entered the Shiva temple. Luckily, (Andrea will appreciate this) I had my trusty 'ol Iphone with me to continue snapping photos throughout the day. I've been really pleased with the picture quality. I'm just going to post them below so you can see some of these things for yourself. Once I recharge my camera battery, I'll upload the ones from the previous few days.
One a side note, tomorrow's the big day - the official start of ThoughtWorks University, the consulting apprenticeship program I'm here for. I've gotta finish writing a couple programs and take an SQL exam. If I can keep my eyes open, I'll finish those tonight and just prepare myself for rocking and rolling over the next six weeks. Tomorrow night: write emails, facebook messages, get gym membership, and book trips to Dehli, The Taj Mahal, and Goa.
Store full of silks and linens.
More silks.
Every street. Everywhere. All the time.
Families enjoying a day at the market.
How would you approach crossing this street?
Markets were very busy today.
India has gigantic ant hills.
Young boy selling chai.
Holy men with incense.
Saw this in a cave behind the giant statue. See below.
Locals offering homage to Lord Shiva the Destroyer.
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